Recognizing Commitments to Communities
For many years, we have recognized individuals who contribute to the overall province-wide success of the Association through various voluntary activities. However, it is important to recognize the efforts of those who have made significant contributions at a more local level.
AMCTO Zone Awards are presented annually to AMCTO members (past or present) belonging to each of our nine Zones, who have been nominated by peers on their respective Zone Executive. These awards recognize an individual’s commitment to the activities of their Zone or to the advancement of the municipal profession within their local community.
Each spring, the Zone Executive in each of the nine AMCTO Zones are asked to nominate and select one individual from within their Zone to receive the Zone Award. To qualify for consideration by the Zone Executive, nominees must:
- Be current AMCTO members in good standing or be a former members who have retired from the municipal profession and left the Association within the last five years
- Not currently serve as part of the Zone Executive
- Not have served on the AMCTO Board of Directors within the previous two years
- Be nominated by a member of their respective Zone Executive
Zone Executive members must submit a completed nomination form accompanied by any additional supporting documents concerning the individual’s Zone, Zone activities, profession, or community involvement prior to the stated nomination deadline each year.
When selecting the Zone Award recipient, in addition to determining that nominees have met the above eligibility requirements, the Zone Executive will assess the following factors:
- The individual’s demonstrated commitment to the Association through their contributions to the activities of the Zone
- The individual’s contribution to the advancement and recognition of the municipal profession within the Zone and/or their local community
The Zone Executive may, in any given year, choose not to award a member of their Zone.
The successful recipients will be notified and invited to attend the annual awards presentation held in conjunction with the AMCTO annual conference. Recipients will also be provided with further details about the awards presentation and any subsequent materials needed (i.e. approved description and photos). A profile of the recipient may also be included in one or more of the following AMCTO communications:
- The AMCTO Municipal Monitor quarterly print and digital magazine
- Awards email announcements and newsletters to members
- An Association awards press release and any subsequent media announcements or articles
For those recipients unable to attend the annual awards presentation at the conference, we will arrange for their award to be formally presented at the next scheduled meeting of their respective Zone.
Nominations are open now until Friday, April 11 at 5:00pm ET.
Award recipients will be contacted by AMCTO following the nomination deadline. We thank the Zone Executive in advance for submitting nominations and encourage each Zone Executive to submit an annual nomination. By submitting nominations, as an Association, we can formally recognize the hard work and dedication of nine (9) individuals across our Zones each year.
Past Award Recipients
Zone 1
Judith Smith
Director, Municipal Governance/Clerk, Municipality of Chatham-KentZone 3
Sheryl Ayres
Chief Financial Officer, City of CambridgeZone 5
Carrie Sykes, CMO, AOMC, Dipl.M.A.
Director of Corporate Services/Clerk, Township of Lake of BaysZone 6
Caitlin Salter MacDonald, AOMC
Clerk, City of OttawaZone 7
Malcolm White, CMO
Chief Administrative Officer (Retired), City of Sault Ste. MarieZone 9
Laura Bruni, Dipl.M.A.
Clerk/Treasurer, Township of Gillies2023
Zone 1
Laura Moy, AMCT, Dipl.M.M.
Town of Tecumseh (Retired)Zone 3
Angela Morgan, CMO, AOMC
City of Burlington (Retired)Zone 6
Kim Bulmer (AMCT)
Town of Renfrew (Retired)Zone 9
Krista Power
Clerk, City of Thunder Bay2022
Zone 1
Mary S. Birch, CMO
Clerk/Director of Legislative & Community Services, County of EssexZone 2
Donna Van Wyck, AMCT
Clerk (Retired), Bruce CountyZone 3
William 'Bill' Tigert, CMO
Election Coordinator, City of WoodstockZone 5
Doug Irwin
Director of Legislative Services/Clerk, Municipality of Trent HillsZone 6
Dean Sauriol, AOMC, CMO, Dipl. M.M.
Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk, Township of Laurentian ValleyZone 7
Richard Clouthier, AMCT
Manager of Citizen Service Centres (Retired), City of Greater SudburyZone 9
Brian MacKinnon
Manager of Corporate Services/Clerk, Municipality of Sioux Lookout2021
Zone 2
Alison Gray, CMO, AOMC
Clerk, Township of Severn
Zone 3
Suzanne Jones
Clerk (Retired), Town of Halton Hills
Zone 5
Robin van de Moosdyk, CMO, AOMC, CMIII
Chief Administrative Officer (Retired), Hamilton Township and Alnwick/Haldimand Township
Zone 6
Brenda Brunt, CMO
Director of Corporate Services/Clerk/Marriage Commissioner, Municipality of South Dundas
Zone 7
Charles Barton
Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk (Retired), Township of Nipissing
Zone 9
Paulette Covell
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer (Retired), Township of Ear Falls