We are pleased to Announce a New Partnership with CivicJobs.ca

Expand your job ad's reach and attract even more qualified candidates for an additional $150+HST per job posting! Read below for more details about our new CivicJobs Add-On!

Young lady typing on keyboard of laptop in living room

Place a Job Ad

Reach Experienced Local Government Professionals 

Post your job opportunity with us and reach a large pool of qualified, experienced professionals to find your ideal candidate. Our job ads are posted within 1-3 business days and circulated on a weekly basis to 2,200+ members in our job postings e-newsletter.

What's IncludedStandard Posting
$599.00 +HST per ad
Featured Posting
$699.00 +HST per ad
Ad on the AMCTO job board
(approx. 10K + page views each month)
Ad in weekly job postings e-newsletter
(circulated to 2,200+ AMCTO members)
Priority placement for 30 days on the AMCTO job board 
Priority placement in weekly job postings e-newsletter 
Job posting shared on AMCTO X (formerly Twitter)
(approx. 3K followers)
Job posting shared in AMCTO LinkedIn Group
(approx. 2K members)
Ad active until a specified closing date and/or for 30 days
NEW: CivicJobs Add-On (additional $150 +HST per ad)
Standard Posting + CivicJobs Add-On
$749.00 +HST per ad
Featured Posting + CivicJobs Add-On
$849.00 +HST per ad
Ad on the CivicJobs job board
(approx. 450 page views every hour)
Ad in weekly CivicJobs e-newsletter (circulated nationally)
Job ad cross-promoted on the Indeed.ca and Job Bank national job boards
Job posting shared on CivicJobs X (formerly Twitter)
(approx. 4K followers)
Job posting shared through CivicJobs RSS Feeds

Please note: due to the high volume of job ads we receive, jobs are posted to our job board on a first-come, first-served basis and within 1-3 business days.

Tips When Placing a Job Ad:

  • Once you have placed your order and submitted payment for your job ad, you will receive an order confirmation with a link to a job posting form to submit the details of your job description. In your job description please be as detailed and accurate as possible — this includes checking for proper spelling, application instructions, contact information, and working website links.
  • Employers are highly encouraged to include the salary and/or a salary range on job postings in order to promote transparency and equity in the sector and in the hiring process.
  • Employers are encouraged to include applicable AMCTO professional designations and education courses on job postings to promote professionalism and continued professional development in the sector.
  • Job postings should include closing dates — job ad submissions that do not specify a closing date will be active on the AMCTO job board for 30 days.
  • Looking to expand the reach of a particular posting? Consider purchasing a featured ad to increase the overall number of views from key audiences.
  • Our weekly job postings e-newsletter goes out to AMCTO members every Thursday.
    Job ads and payments must be submitted before noon on Wednesday in order to be included in each week's email broadcast. Ads received following this deadline may not be included until the following week.
  • Visit the AMCTO job board to view examples of both featured and standard postings.
Cover Photo
Vlada Karpovich