Consultation: AODA Design Standards Review

The Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility launched a consultation on design standards. 

Ontario’s Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 requires accessibility standards to be reviewed to determine whether the standards are working as intended and allows for adjustments as needed. In September 2022, a Standards Development Committee was established to review the province's regulations on accessible built environment.  

Based on its review, the committee has developed an initial recommendations report that addresses accessible built environment requirements found in both the Design of Public Spaces Standards and the Ontario Building Code. The report can be viewed here.

The Standards Committee has made 127 initial recommendations that intend to make the design of public spaces such as sidewalks, parking facilities, outdoor play spaces and other areas more accessible for people with disabilities; some with direct implications for municipalities. The Committee is now seeking public feedback until August 29, 2024 before submitting its final report and recommendations to the Minister for consideration.