Regulatory Registry Posting: Proposed Minister’s Regulation under the Planning Act

Under the Planning Act, 1990

Consultation Timeline: February 6, 2023 – March 8, 2023

Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing

For further details and to comment, click here.

The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing is considering a municipal data reporting regulation that would require 29 municipalities to report on a variety of planning related matters to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on a quarterly and annual basis, and submit 5 year historical data for all data points by the end of 2023. 

On a quarterly basis, beginning in June 30th 2023, municipalities would report application data for:

  • official plan amendment applications
  • zoning by-law amendments
  • plans of condominium
  • plans of subdivision
  • site plan applications
  • land severances (consents)
  • minor variances
  • number of housing units built as-of-right.

On an annual basis, municipalities would report information on: areas identified as strategic growth areas, areas subject to intensification targets, employment areas and employment area conversions, existing water and wastewater infrastructure, and major transit station area boundaries.

As municipal reporting burden remains a priority for AMCTO and our members, AMCTO staff are reviewing the proposed regulation for impacts on municipal administration.