Education Programs

As a Certified Educational Institution since 1965, AMCTO has been a pillar of professional growth for municipal administrators and leaders across Ontario. Our education courses are academic, certificate-granting programs that address the specific needs of the municipal sector in Ontario. Programs are developed in collaboration with practitioners and our education partners to provide foundational knowledge in municipal administration and management.

Term Schedule

Unless indicated otherwise, programs open for registration twice a year:

  • For the fall term, registration opens on July 2. Most fall courses run between September - December, but some courses may begin in August.
  • For the winter and spring terms, registration opens on December 1. Most winter and spring courses run between February - May, but some courses may end in June.

Program Formats

Currently, all education programs are delivered online in either correspondence or Zoom format. 

  • Correspondence format: In this format, you will complete the assigned readings and submit assessments according to a given schedule. There are no classes to attend, and your work is graded by a marker. This format is ideal if you prefer to do your learning outside of work hours.  

  • Zoom format: In addition to completing readings and assessments, you will attend interactive online classes led by an instructor. This format is ideal if you prefer a classroom environment that includes live discussions with other participants.  

The graded assessments in both formats include written assignments such as essays, reports, and short-answer questions. Some courses also include peer-to-peer discussions, quizzes, and exams. 

All course materials and assessments are provided through the online learning platform, AMCTO Connect. 

Current Programs

The following table summarizes what each program is about and the format(s) available.

Municipal Administration Program (MAP)

Learn about the governance, structure, operation, and evolution of Ontario municipalities
Municipal Accounting and Finance Program (MAFP)

Understand how Ontario municipalities generate revenues, manage expenses, and plan for the future
Municipal Law Program (MLP)

Examine the legal framework for municipal governance, liabilities, contracts, and land use in Ontario
Employment Law and Human Resources Program (HR)

Acquire a foundation in effective HR practices and the legal framework for HR management in Ontario
Parliamentary Meeting Protocol Course (PMPC)

Get to know parliamentary meeting rules, procedures, and practices in Robert’s Rules of Order
OACA's Primer on Planning (POP)

Learn about the land use planning process and the main planning instruments, policies, and controls in Ontario
Diploma in Municipal Administration (DMA)

Demonstrate essential and integrated knowledge of local government administration by completing MAP, MAFP, MLP, and HR programs
Executive Diploma in Municipal Management (EDMM)

Develop the knowledge and skills required to be a successful manager in local government
Municipal Clerks Institute (MCI) Levels 1 and 2

Explore principles and practices that are critical to effectively perform the role of the municipal clerk

Please see the individual program pages for further details about program content, duration, completion requirements, and tuition fees.

Education Program Partners

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