The first three lessons of the course provide an overview of the land use planning process in Ontario: the main planning instruments, policies and controls are introduced and described, as well as the evolving provincial-local relationship in planning. Particular attention is given to the official plan and the zoning bylaw.
The next two lessons represent the central core of the course and provide a detailed examination of the powers, procedures, and practices of committees of adjustment, land division committees, and consent authorities when considering applications for minor variances and consents. Factual situations and descriptions of pertinent case law are used to highlight the issues under discussion.
The final lesson deals with the validation of title and issuing a "Validation Certificate" under Section 57 of the Planning Act – what it is and when and how is it used. Among the key topics covered are:
- The statutory framework for land use planning in Ontario
- The nature and key components of an official plan
- The specific stages and responsibilities in the official plan approval process
- The nature and key components of a zoning bylaw
- The various steps and requirements in the zoning bylaw approval process
- The nature and purposes of site plan control, and how it differs from zoning
- The appointment, powers & operating procedures of a committee of adjustment
- The nature of a minor variance and how to evaluate one
- The changes in use which are possible in legal non-conforming uses
- Controlling the subdivision of land through subdivision plans or by consents
- The appointment, powers, and operating procedures of consent authorities
- The factors to be considered in evaluating applications for consents
This course has six assignments and an exam.