AMCTO Designations
Our sector-leading professional accreditation programs raise the bar of Ontario municipal excellence by advancing the profession and showcasing members' municipal expertise. AMCTO designations reflect members' commitment to the profession and aim to inspire those who are early-on in their municipal careers to continue to take part in lifelong learning and professional development.
NEW - Registered candidates will receive access to the accreditation program(s) in our online learning platform, AMCTO Connect.

"The CMO demonstrates a culmination of your municipal governance skills and qualities developed to date, and signifies that you are committed to a career of continual education and self-improvement to the benefit of yourself and your municipality."
Paul Shipway, CMO, AOMC, Dipl.M.A.
General Manager of Strategic Initiatives & Innovation
County of Middlesex
"My recent completion of the AMP program and achievement of my AMP designation is one of my greatest educational and professional achievements to date. The AMP program allowed me to reflect on my career thus far and I look forward to pursuing my CMO designation in the future."
Becky Jamieson, AMP, AOMC, Dipl.M.M.
Commissioner of Corporate Services & Town Clerk
Township of Whitchurch-Stouffville
"Achieving the AOMC provided me an opportunity to really look through a new lens at my experience, education, professional achievements and volunteer work. Receiving an accreditation through AMCTO not only provides one with a positive difference in career development but it also reenergizes my commitment to excellence in my role."
Danielle Manton, AOMC, Dipl.M.M.
City Clerk
City of Cambridge